Monday, July 13, 2009

Bad mmg syg dye dulu. Syg sgt. Bad x taw cmne nk tnjk yg bad syg dye. But trully in my heart, i really2 love him before. Nk kate bad kuat jelez? Yup. Bad admit bad mmg kuat jelez tp bad jelez de reason nyew. After all those things happen, bad slalu pkr, pe klbhn dat gurl berbanding ngan bad? Ntah lar. Maybe dye da fall in love ngan dat gurl. After clash, roomate dye contact bad. Roomate dye kate, dye da couple ngan dat gurl. Mase bad dpt taw tue, bad blom de owg bwu ag. I'm still waiting for him. Bad xtaw cmne nk ckp bape byk bad syg dye. Fadz roomate bad mse kt mtrks taw r cmne condition bad 2 weeks after ktowg clash. Mcm2 bad wat tok lupekn dye. Pastue bad knal ngan fazdly. Bad try to fall in love wit the other guyz but i can't. Honestly to say, mule2 bad couple ngan fazdly juz want to forget him. Fazdly byk sgt sbr ngan attitude bad. Fazdly taw yg bad still syg 'dye'. Tp fazdly kate, dye ttp akan tunggu bad. 11 june 2009 bawu bad rase syg kt fazdly. Almost 3 months bad couple ngan fazdly without any feeling towards him. Kejam sgt rase diri ney wat dye cmtue! Bie, I promise i'll try my best in our relationship. I'm very2 sorry for everyhing i've done.

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